Below are the skills and routines that Lia recently competed, and skills and routines that she is training to compete in the 2021 season.


Competed: Yurchenko Pike

Training: Yurchenko Lay-out and Yurchenko Tuck-full


Competed: KCH + blind ½ + bail + toe-shoot, KCH giant + toe-front dismount

Training: tkatchev, toe-front full dismount


Competed: BHS + back-pike, switch half + split jump, split, back-pike + split jump, full turn, front 1/1 dismount

Training: switch leap + switch half, ariel, switch leap + back-pike


Competed: front-full + front-tuck, BHS 1 1/2 punch front, rudi, switch half+ split jump 1/1, 2/1 leg up turn

Training: front-full + front-layout, BHS double pike, rudi + split jump, back 1 ½ front layout

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